
If you’re passionate about improving this documentation and have ideas or skills to share, we encourage you to become a contributor! Whether you have a specific update in mind or want to contribute new pages, your input is valuable to us.

Issues (Suggest and Request Updates)

If you’d like to suggest an update or addition to the documentation site, navigate to the specific .html page where you’d like to propose a change. To submit your suggestion, open a GitHub issue using the "Open Issue" link available in the GitHub drop-down menu at the top of the page. Include a detailed comment describing your proposed change, and a site moderator will review your issue to update the website.

For more general questions about the project, please visit the Discussion Board. Opening a GitHub issue is most effective for targeted content update requests or suggestions for specific pages.

Forks and Pull Requests (Code It Yourself)

To contribute directly to the documentation, start by forking the GitHub repository containing the .html source files. In your local fork, you can create or edit content at your own pace without affecting the main site.

When you’re ready to submit your changes, open a pull request. A site moderator will review your pull request and collaborate with you to ensure any new content is accurate and well-integrated. Once finalized, your updates will be merged into the main site.

Adding Pages

If you’d like to propose a new page for the documentation site, follow these steps. These instructions are intended for contributors who are familiar with HTML and CSS:

  • Create a File: Name your file using the following convention: topic_subtopic.html. This helps maintain a consistent structure across the documentation.
  • Copy the Generic Page HTML: Start by copying the generic HTML template provided in the repository. This template ensures that your new page will match the overall look and feel of the site.
  • Edit the <!-- Main --> Section: Paste the copied HTML into your new file, then navigate to the <!-- Main --> section of the code. This is where you’ll add your content, modifying or replacing the placeholder text as needed.

Creating Content

All new pages should be added to the docs subfolder. Write your content directly in HTML. If your page requires additional interactivity or styling, feel free to include appropriate CSS or JavaScript. For further guidance, you can reach out to the project manager via the Contact Us form on the site.

If you have questions about the process or need assistance, you can suggest an edit using the Contact Us form managed by the project manager.